
Cognitive Enhancement: Controlling Focus and concentration

Cognitive Enhancement is basically using techniques, materials, and substances to improve cognitive functions like attention, memory, logical reasoning and decision making. This process can include biochemical, behavioral or physiological strategies. Cognitive enhancement refers to the concept that states you can resolve your cognitive functions before you actually optimize your brain. It can use various pharmaceutical products to enhance cognitive abilities. 

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There are 3 strategies that can help enhance your cognitive abilities and functions. 

1. Bio chemical: it is basically the chemical process happening in our body and how it affects your cognitive function. It includes pharmaceutical agents like Nootropic which are enhancers that are used by some people to improve their memory, to stay active and boost energy. Nootropic can be helpful in covering up your fatigue or restlessness but it works only until the drug remains in your body, and can be addictive  and should be used in moderation.

2. Physiological: Physiological factors can include modification in your daily activities, habits and behavior to improve cognitive functions. This aspect prioritizes change in lifestyle, physical activities and daily practices which can help in positive cognitive Enhancement. Regular physical exercise has been doing wonders for both the body and mind, it also helps the body to provide blood to the brain and reduces stress. 

So here are some of the factors which are important in enhancing our cognitive functions. Now let’s look at the symptoms of having poor cognitive health:

The brain is the same as the body, it also gets tired,  and also changes with age.

Many people have started forgetting things now, initially it was not used to happen but why now? As people age, the capability to understand situations, or remembering things for a long time is no longer easy. Now people even forget what they just said, and it’s very common now. 

Lets understand the symptoms and analyze your cognitive health:

1. MCI might be the reason that thinking of the following things is difficult:

a.  You miss appointments or social engagements.

b. .You lose your place when you read or can’t follow the gist of a reading.

c. You have trouble following the conversation.

d. . You find it hard to make decisions, finish a task or follow instructions.

e. You start to have trouble finding your way around places you know well.

f. You start to have poor judgment.


Poor cognitive health can significantly disturb focus, due in a large part to a number of factors that are new. Under cognitive Exhaustion in processing speed, there is a slowing further of the capacity to deal with information speedily and practically. In other words, the reduced working memory and narrowed attention span Hinder the ability to focus on a task, while problems with executive functions, like planning and organization, impact one’s ability to manage and sequence activities effectively. Combine this with the fact that emotional distress and mental fatigue, being extremely common with the condition, also very actively interfere with concentration and work to further aggravate the problems with focus. These issues can be catered to with exercises in mental workouts, healthy living, and stress management in order to improve on this focus and overall cognitive health.

What can cause trouble in focussing?

Have you ever found yourself getting overwhelmed seeing your piled up work? You know that there are a thousand things that you have to do through the week, but still, you don’t seem to be organized enough to stay ahead.

Or maybe you lose your focus from time to time when performing everyday tasks, and it feels like your concentration is not what it used to be.

You may also realize that the plans are not proceeding as hoped for, which may be quite discouraging, but you should not be hard on yourself. It happens to even the healthiest of people. 

1. Over Thinking: Overthinking spoils the mood, it not only causes trouble while focussing but also distracts the mind. Numerous random thoughts which are vague and have no meaning, leads to stress and mental pressure.

2.Stress: Stress is one of the most important factors which never lets the work go smoothly, stress can make you feel the worst of you, and your productivity will automatically decrease. 

3. Exhaustion: Feeling exhausted and overtired can cause restlessness and reduces the thinking power of an individual, it can happen due to overworking, medications or maybe getting less rest than required. 

4. Medical conditions: Many medical conditions, besides stress and exhaustion, are associated with brain fog and a drop in the ability to remember. You may, however, be experiencing both from one chronic medical condition. There are a number of chronic medical conditions whose side effects can interfere with the ability to remember and brain function.


Some of the effective strategies include:

1. Physical Activity:  This will, among other things, increase blood flow to your brain, support neuroplasticity, and may help enhance memory and other cognitive functions. Recommended exercises include those of an aerobic nature, strength training, and even that like yoga.

2.Eat a Balanced Diet: A diet that is right in type and amounts of nutrition to support the healthy state of the brain through the intake of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamins will definitely boost cognitive function. Good food includes fatty fish, nuts, berries, and dark, leafy greens.

3.Quality Sleep:This is important for the best health of the brain; an adult must target between 7 and 9 hours of quality sleep each night, attempting thereby to go to sleep and wake up on the same schedule. Slow-wave sleep is necessary to ensure memory consolidation of the brain in general.

 4.Control Stress: Normally, this will disturb cognitive function. Mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation techniques can result in controlled stress and work to lessen the effects of chronic stress.

Also Read :The Science Behind Cognitive Enhancers: How Modalert Works in the Brain

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