
Anxiety Disorder

Understanding the Different Types of Anxiety Disorders in 2024

Anxiety is described as a feeling of worry or fear over future events; it is quite a normal reaction to stress and may manifest in either emotional or physical symptoms. Although occasional anxiety is common, it only becomes an issue when it becomes excessive, Constant, and disturbance of day-to-day life, so  it can be categorized as an anxiety disorder. Some disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, which is a sustained, excessive worry; panic disorder, marked by sudden, overwhelming attacks of panic; social anxiety disorder, which involves extreme fear in social situations; specific phobias, strong fears of specific things or situations; and post-traumatic stress disorder, developing after a person has gone through a traumatic event. Anxiety that is too difficult to deal with should be treated professionally for effective management.

Anxiety can be explained to be like a more overzealous personal assistant in the brain, Thinking overly about everything from the small details to big questions of meaning in life. Whereas a small amount of anxiety might be helpful,for instance, having you remember things, excessive anxiety will make one feel overwhelmed and held captive by a never-ending cycle of “What if?” thoughts. On the bright side,Anxiety can be cured with the right type of guidance.There is a chance that guidance can help in turning off the anxious feelings. 

Why is Anxiety so common in 2024?

Across 2024, it has been very common, rooted in some new and changing modern stressors and social changes. 

1.News and social media: Social media remains as the first thing which continuously makes a person feel less about themselves. Social media drains the mind of the person, people. It can also have negative effects, such as fostering unhealthy comparisons and feelings of inadequacy.

2. Global events like pandemics and climate change: It has been noticed that Pandemic has also made people more anxious of their surroundings.  Less Face-to-Face interaction makes the person more uncomfortable to connect with the people.

3. At last, growing awareness and improved diagnostics can help  contribute to more people identifying anxiety issues and disorders, and will help people seeking help for the same. 

Is there any difference between Anxiety and Anxiety disorder?


It  is basically fear, worry or concern toward something that can happen in the future. which every living thing experiences in response to stress or uncertainty. It is a natural reaction to anything unusual, like nervousness, before a presentation in a class or maybe standing between a lot of people in the metro.

Anxiety Disorders

These are much more serious than General anxiety and stay for a long period of time.

Anxiety disorders are severe, uncontrollable worries that can be very disruptors in daily life. These include generalized anxiety disorder, whereby a person worries a lot about everything all the time; panic disorder, which can cause a sudden onset of panic with no preceding warning; and social anxiety disorder, which is a very great fear of certain social situations. Although feelings of anxiety are normal, especially during periods under great stress, these disorders are much more serious and require professional treatment to be managed effectively.

Evident  symptoms of Anxiety disorder:

1.Continuous stress:  Constant fear about life , situations and everything at once. Stress can be really frustrating for a person suffering from anxiety disorders, they tend to think all the time.

2.Common symptoms: The symptoms include racing heart, sweating, trembling, dizziness, headaches, or gastrointestinal issues.

3.Sleep issues:  People also suffer from Insomnia and sleep apnea, not being able to get a peaceful sleep, Staying awake all night. 

4.Focus problem: Anxiety also creates a barrier in focussing on tasks or even daily life schedules, You can’t seem to focus on anything.

5.Panic Attack: People who suffer from anxiety or depression often get panic attacks. Sudden pain in chest or problems in breathing is also an evident symptom of anxiety disorder.

 Root cause of Anxiety:

1.Genetic Factors: Having a family history of anxiety or other mental disorders increases susceptibility. Some genes are considered to modify the response of individuals to different levels and types of stress and anxiety.

2.Biological Factors: Anxiety can be caused by a neurotransmitter imbalance in the brain. Neuroimaging studies revealed different activity patterns in the brains of those who have anxiety disorders.

3.Brain Structure and Function: Variations in the structure and function of the brain, by way of over-activity in areas such as the amygdala, which processes fear, and other areas within the prefrontal cortex controlling emotions, can be associated with anxiety.

4.Personality Traits: High neuroticism or tendencies toward perfectionism raise a person’s risk for anxiety.

Medications for Anxiety disorder:

1.Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) 

These are commonly prescribed first-line for the treatment of anxiety disorders.They boost serotonin in the brain and enhance the mood. 

Examples: Sertraline (Zoloft), Escitalopram (Lexapro), Paroxetine (Paxil), Fluoxetine (Prozac)

2.Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRIs)

Like SSRIs,SNRIs also raise the levels of serotonin and norepinephrine in the brain, which can benefit those experiencing anxiety.

Examples: Venlafaxine, Effexor XR, Duloxetine (Cymbalta)


They are the fast-acting medicines which instantly help in relieving minor symptoms of anxiety.They do this by strengthening the action of a neurotransmitter called GABA, which tends to calm down the brain. They are indicated only for short-term administration because of the risks of dependence and tolerance.


This drug is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder. It acts on serotonin and dopamine receptors in the brain but differs from the mechanism of action of SSRIs and SNRIs. The possible addition potential with this is lower than with the benzodiazepines.

So there are medications which are prescribed by Doctors and specialists, but yes they only have to be consumed after taking guidance, and not by becoming doctors ourselves.

Treatment for Anxiety disorder

1.Psychotherapy: The first step of treatment starts by indulging into Cognitive Behavioral Therapy  that helps in forming the basis treatment by teaching patients how to identify and change their perspective by understanding their own situation.

2. Medication: The medications which are specially formulated for anxiety patients include SSRIs and SNRIs which will help reduce symptoms. 

3. lifestyle changes:  Lifestyle changes have to be made in order to see a positive difference in your anxiety healing journey. You should exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet,and good sleep hygiene, which make a world of difference in their own right by improving the overall well-being and decreasing anxiety. 

4. support systems:  stay close with friends and family,  they are all Indispensible in dealing with stress and emotional capacity. 


Anxiety is the feeling of worry regarding future events that can become overwhelming. It affects the affected person in such a way that it creates much stress and interferes with the daily activities of life. The symptoms of anxiety range from constant worry to physical symptoms like rapid heartbeat or sweating and sleep problems, combined with restlessness and a lack of concentration. A comprehensive approach is required for the management of anxiety. These therapies include cognitive-behavioral treatment, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and medication for modifying symptoms. Lifestyle modifications, like regular exercise, a good diet, and adequate sleep, are conducive to mental health. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, as well as support from family or support groups, are equally important. By working collaboratively with mental health professionals on an appropriate treatment plan, effective management of anxiety can be established, thereby improving one’s quality of life.

Also Read : Cognitive Enhancement: Controlling Focus and concentration

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